5 Things we wish we knew before starting our own business

We started JohnWalker Customs exactly one year ago today after much debate on whether or not it would be sustainable. I finally convinced Drew to quit his full time J-O-B and give it a whirl. Now after a year we can safely say, it wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t as hard as people tend to make it out to be. Now having said that, I did want to make a list of things we wish we knew before we embarked on this journey in case you are debating on taking this leap as well.

  1. Have a plan, then be prepared to ditch that plan when it doesn’t work

This is just to say, leave room in your plan for things to go wrong, because they will. On the flip side of that leave room for things to go REALLY right as well. When we started our business, we had steady customers for about 6 months and we got really comfortable in that groove, then one of our clients posted some pics on Instagram and wabam! we are flooded with orders and buying 6 more 3D printers trying to keep up with it. Did we plan on buying more 3D printers? Yes, in exactly one year from our start date. Haha that was funny.

2. Taxes, Taxes and more Taxes

See number 1. Just kidding. Seriously though plan on taxes and do your research BEFORE you start your business. Talk to an accountant if possible. We are STILL struggling with this category and it’s something we talk about on a daily basis. Pathetically enough.

3. You can’t please everyone, so don’t try

You will come up against negativity and hate in almost any business you run. In our business it usually has to do with the price or paintwork, but in each business it will be different. Just know that there will be negative comments and the best thing you can do, is know they will happen and not let it bother you.

4. You will work harder than you have EVER worked in your life

“Entrepreneurs are the only people who will work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week” Lori Greiner. This is so true! We work NONSTOP quite literally. My parents just came to visit and while we were having our morning coffee, I was sanding a project. Its insane, I know, but also wonderful and rewarding.

5. Honesty is the best policy

With yourself and with your business. If you are doing something you know isn’t profitable, it’s not helping your business. Also when dealing with your customers be truthful. When we are running behind or something isn’t turning out right, we are very quick to let our clients know because in the end, the client is happy and our number one compliment is that we were completely transparent and kept the client informed at all stages. In the beginning it’s really easy to NOT want to let your client know any form of bad news, but trust me in the end it’s easier to just be truthful and they will appreciate it.

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