Background of The World Isn’t Flat

Ok, this might be a little long, but grab a cup of coffee and relax and let me introduce you into the world of The World Isn’t Flat!

Let’s begin with the main people involved in this (there are 6 of us), which would be my husband, Drew a wonderful toy maker extraordinaire.  My eldest son (technically stepson, but we don’t do steps or halves in this family, it’s all or nothing!) Lex who is 15 but ALREADY attends college. Next comes Alex who is 13 and is homeschooled and loves card games.  Then comes my daughters, Tiffany who is 11 and loves to read due to her being the biggest bookworm I know, and Ashley who is also 11 (yep twins) and is my little gymnast.  The girls are also homeschooled.  That leaves me.  Oh how do I explain myself?

There are no words….just kidding.  I homeschool three of my children, walk dogs and housesit for side hustles, help my husband run his business, mostly on the financial and shipping side, and squeeze in time for writing, spending time with our furry other family members, and of course travelling.

So why The World Isn’t Flat?  To be honest this started out as a travel blog, so what changed?  We did.  We evolved and travelling isn’t our whole life anymore.  As you can tell from what we do, both Drew and I are VERY busy people and we LOVE it!  Wouldn’t trade it for the world in fact!  Travelling is only a part of who we are and I wanted to expand my corner of the internet to include business, homeschooling (bless you if you are thinking about doing this!) and just life in general, because while seeing new places is AWESOME, life itself is too awesome to just focus on one thing.

So sit back and browse our varied content.  If something appeals to you and you want to know more, shoot me and email and I would love to give you all the information I have.  If you like what you see and want to work with us…well reach out!

About The Author
